Drive through forest and mountain roads winding up to the entrance of the Friouato. Picnic tables sit on the mountainside with a peaceful view of the city of Taza and the surrounding forest. Suit up and tighten your helmet equipped with headlamp and walk through the entrance with your guide. A huge cavern awaits with more than 700 steps descending to the actual cave entrance.
With over 3 km of slippery clay, narrow paths and small openings to crawl through, we explored the cave for at least 2 hours. There was beautiful stalagmites and rock formations. We walked on planks of wood to pass small pools of water and climbed ladders to get through passages of the cave. Although it was cool in the cave your muscles work hard keeping your balance on the uneven and slippery ground in the dark. By the middle of the tour, I worked up a good sweat. There were many spaces in the cave that were not seen and surely one would be lost without an experienced guide.
The sound of silence is quite loud down below and it is hard to imagine being in darkness for more than the time you are exploring. I looked forward to light as we ascended the last few steps.
5th and 6th graders take this trip every year.
Highly recommend visiting this cave!
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